
the garden.

the garden
does not understand
that I am busy

the beans grow
too big and tough
if they’re left unpicked
for just a day

the lettuce bolts
if it’s not harvested
tomatoes split,
red peppers rot
if I don’t pay attention

the flowers droop
if I neglect to water
spent blooms straggle
if don’t take care

the garden
does not understand
that I am busy

the dog needs a walk
dinner needs to be made
the gym beckons
work demands

the garden
does not mind
that I am busy

it is there
when I have time
to harvest
to water
to prune

to breathe

1 comment:

Erin said...

Well said Bryn! I live in the deep shade and can't grow anything but moss. A nice woman near by offered up her pasture for gardens. I took a patch and gardened for the first time....as wonderful as it was to grow my own produce, it also left me with a guilty conscience if I neglected it. You're right though...it forgave me every time and didn't even hold a grudge.