I keep a little Moleskine notebook in my purse. More and more, I'm noting random things via outlets like Facebook or my Twitter feed, but the trusty Moleskine is perfect for capturing things with more heft, meaning and significance. And for stashing found objects like wine labels and four-leaf clovers.
I tend to forget about the Moleskine until I'm in the mood to record something for posterity, and then I remember how much I love making notes in it. But really, the best thing about pulling it out of my purse is leafing through and seeing all the good stuff in there: drunken notes, quotes and booze labels from our 40th birthday trip to St. Barts with our dearest friends; pages where I've used a just-pulled wine cork like a rubber stamp to record memorable bottles; recipe ideas and inspirations; garden plans; little poems like this haiku:
On the Equinox
I see that summer's fading
The garden is tired.
Today, as I was jotting some notes as a creative, self-reflective exercise suggested by my friend Colleen (more on that at a later date), I came across this, which I wrote while I was stuck on the tarmac on some airplane somewhere.
Band Names Inspired by Sitting on an Airplane
Armrest Larceny
Upright + Locked
The Exit Row Seats
The Overhead Bins
Bottom Cushion
The Seatbacks
Aisle Seat Love
Lavatory Funk
Men with Wings
The Beverage Carts
30,000 Feet
The Mini Bottles
Security Jerk
No Step
The Drop-Down Masks
Rye Crepes
2 days ago
I'd go with Security Jerk. It just has that certain something.
did you write this ironically after reading this blog...
...or non-ironically because you really do love moleskine notebooks that much?
In either case, keep up the great work.
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